Three of the PNND Co-Presidents - Saber Chowdhury, Sue Miller and Uta Zapf - this month circulated a new parliamentary appeal on nuclear aboliton to members of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND) encouraging them to endorse, and to use the appeal to build political will from governments to negotiate for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.
The Global Parliamentary Appeal for a Nuclear Weapons Ban, launched by ICAN (an international civil society campaign to abolish nuclear weapons), calls on ‘all national governments to negotiate a treaty banning nuclear weapons and leading to their complete eradication’ noting that ‘The only way to guarantee that they [nuclear weapons] will never be used again is to outlaw and eliminate them without further delay.’ The appeal will be presented to a range of intergovernmental and inter-parliamentary forums over the next two years to advance nuclear abolition.

The International Court of Justice in 1996 concluded that “The destructive power of nuclear weapons cannot be contained in either time or space”, that the threat or use of nuclear weapons would thus be generally illegal, and that there is an unconditional and universal legal obligation to achieve the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. Governments have accepted this obligation – but have not dedicated sufficient political will to its achievement. Parliamentarians globally are instrumental in building this political will.

The three PNND Co-Presidents note that the Appeal is also complementary to a range of other parliamentary initiatives, some of which focus on initial steps or regional measures, and others which take a more comprehensive approach to achieving global abolition.

Other PNND Co-Presidents include Mani Shankar Aiyar (India), Senator David Coltart (Zimbabwe), Bill Kidd (Scotland), Mi-kyung Lee (South Korea), Senator Edward Markey (United States) and Marit Nybakk (Norway).
For more information see
* Parliamentarians promoting a global treaty to abolish nuclear weapons
* ICAN Appeal
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