Jordan Senate screens 'The Man Who Saved the World"President of the Senate calls for a Midddle East Nuclear Weapon Free Zone and for countries to make use of the United Nations to resolve conflicts.
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The United States Congress will vote on the nuclear deal with Iran in mid-September.PNND Co-President Ed Markey explains why he will vote in favour of the deal.
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Religious leaders, mayors and parliamentarians met in Hiroshima on August 6. They released a Joint Statement comemmorating the 70th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the establishment of the United Nations. Read more
On the 40th anniversary of the OSCE, its Parliamentary Assembly takes action on nuclear-risk reduction. The Assembly highlights the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, and calls for multilateral disarmament negotiations under the auspices of the UN.
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Event highlights religious principles and legal norms requiring nuclear abolition. Japanese religious leaders and legislators adopt joint statement on nuclear disarmament. Joint initiative for 70th anniversary of Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing.
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Inter Parliamentary Union calls on parliamentarians to act for a successful NPT Review ConferenceActions could include parliamentary debates/resolutions, attending the NPT Review Conference, or doing a Global Wave 2015 action in front of your parliamentIPU President leads a 'Wave goodbye to nuclear weapons' at the IPU 132nd Assembly as part of Global Wave 2015
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Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) adopts resolution on cyber-warfare.Risks of nuclear-weapons-use through cyber attack identified.IPU calls for de-alerting of nuclear weapons, followed by nuclear abolition, to prevent an unauthorised or accidental use of nuclear weapons that would have catastrophic consequences.
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Parliamentary questions and debates have recently taken place in the parliaments of Japan, Norway and the United Kingdom on the role of nuclear weapons, the possibility of a nuclear weapons ban and support for the Austrian pledge to ‘fill the legal gap to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.’
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