
Kazakhstan: The symphony of pain and hope

Book on the nuclear legacy of Kazakhstan published in Arabic.Author Muna Makhamreh, PNND Coordinator for Arab Countries, highlights the impact of Soviet nuclear tests and the nuclear disarmament initiatives of Kazakhstan. Read more

St. Petersburg conference focuses on parliamentarians and IHL

Red Cross and parliamentarians build cooperation to strengthen and enforce international humanitarian law.  They reinforce that the use of nuclear weapons would violate such law. Read more

Chilean Chamber of Deputies Hosts PNND Event

Nuclear disarmament event held in Chilean Parliament.16 additional parliamentarians join PNND. Read more

UN agrees to nuclear prohibition negotiations

Resolution supported by non-nuclear countries.Negotiations on a prohibiton treaty to start in March 2017. Read more

Time to Move the Nuclear Weapons Money

Parliamentarians from around the world discuss military expenditure versus the SDGs. Launch of new resource on nuclear weapons budgets and corporations. Read more

PNND congratulates António Guterres as new UN Chief

UN General Assembly appoints António Guterres as new UN Secretary-General.PNND sends a letter of congratulations. Read more

Senator Markey introduces legislation to restrict nuclear-weapons-use

Legislation would prohibit the U.S. president from using nuclear weapons first, without specific authorisation from the Congress. Read more

PNND international conference adopts the Astana Vision declaration

Legislators, religious leaders, government officials, veterans, representatives from international organisations, disarmament experts and anti-nuclear activists meet in Kazakhstan. 10-point action plan adopted. Read more

U.S. Senators to Obama: Scale back nuclear-use policies

PNND Co-President Senator Markey and nine other senators commend President Obama for visiting Hiroshima. They call on him to use this experience to cancel 'launch-on-warning', adopt a 'no-first-use' policy, and scale back the excessive nuclear weapons modernisation program. Read more

Kazakhstan and Chain Reaction 2016 – from nuclear tests to a nuclear-weapon-free world

A nuclear bomb destroys through an uncontrollable chain reaction of atoms being split in two. From Kazakhstan, comes a chain reaction of peace. Read more
