
Tribute to Alexa McDonough - a Nova Scotian champion

PNND pays tribute to Alexa McDonough, former PNND Co-President, who passed away on January 15, 2022.Cover photo: Alexa speaking on peace and disarmament in New York for the United Nations 60th Anniversary, 2005 Read more

Legislators and experts discuss nuclear disarmament and human security

Short report of the January 19 online parliamentary event Nuclear disarmament and human security.This was the third global event in follow-up to the publication of Assuring our Common Future: a guide to parliamentary action in support of disarmament for security and sustainable development Read more

Parliamentary call to the NPT: Leadership required to address nuclear threats, the climate crisis and the pandemic

Video presentation by Bill Kidd MSP to the 10th NPT Review Conference on behalf of PNND. The Review Conference has been postponed until August, but policy action, statements and deliberations relating to the NPT Review Conference continue.Photo: Bill Kidd MSP participating in the Count the Nuclear Weapons Money action in New York during UN Disarmament Week. Read more

Senator Markey: Shift funds from the military to climate action. And end the nuclear threat!

Senator Markey addresses the US Senate in a powerful speech criticising the bloated $768 Billion military budget, proposing an amendment to shift 1% of that budget to fast-track carbon emissions and assist those impacted by climate change, and to end the US policy option to initiate a nuclear war (first-use of nuclear weapons). Read more

U.S. Senators call for US/China nuclear weapons talks

PNND Co-President Senator Ed Markey and the other co-chairs of the Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Working Group call for direct Biden-Xi nuclear talks.Photo: Don't even think abaout starting a nuclear war sign outside China Embassy in Prague. Read more

PNND and the Climate - Nuclear Disarmament Nexus

PNND's Climate-Nuclear Disarmament Nexus program highlights the connections between the climate crisis and the threat from nuclear weapons, advances policy solutions to address both issues, and builds cooperation between legislators, experts and civil society movements working on these two issues.  Read more

Lord Hannay addresses Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change event

Keynote presentation of Lord Hannay of Chiswick to Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change, an intergenerational symposium which took place at Central Hall Westminster and online on September 9, 2021.The event brought youth leaders in in the climate and nuclear disarmament movements together with legislators (parliamentarians), policy/academic experts, members of the diplomatic community, representatives of civil society organizations and others to discuss these two existential threats to current and future generations.   Read more

US legislators call on President Biden to reduce the role and cut the numbers of nuclear weapons

US lawmakers call on President Biden to use the forthcoming Nuclear Posture Review to  limit the role of nuclear weapons in US national security, reduce unnecessary nuclear weapons spending, and make tangible progress towards additional global arms control and risk reduction measures.Photo credit: Robert Winkle Read more

Legislators, experts, officials and youth discuss climate change and nuclear disarmament connections at special London event

An intergenerational dialogue on nuclear weapons and climate change - two existential threats to humanity.The event was held at Central Hall Westminster (London, UK) and online on September 9, 2021. It  included students and youth leaders in dialogue with legislators (parliamentarians), policy/academic experts, members of the diplomatic community, representatives of civil society organizations and others. Read more

Bike for Peace starts Switzerland tour

Bike for Peace is doing a short cycle tour of Switzerland from August 27-31 in conjunction with the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. The tour, co-sponsored by PNND, includes bike rides and events in Lausanne and Geneva to highlight the role of sport in advancing peace, and to support diplomatic initiatives to prevent nuclear war and achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world.Photo: Bike for Peace arrives in Lausanne. Read more
