
Presidents Biden and Putin to meet in Geneva June 16. Legislators join others in call for no-first-use and an end to the nuclear arms race.

An Open Letter to Presidents Biden and Putin is endorsed by over 900 legislators, political leaders, military leaders, academics and representatives/members of religious and civil society organizations.
US congressmembers introduce legislation calling for adoption of No First Use (NFU) policies and for an end to the nuclear arms race. Read more

Women’s role in disarmament highlighted on International Day

May 24 is International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament.PNND and World Future Council reaffirm the international women's appeal Human Security for public health, peace and sustainable development, and call on parliamentarians and civil society to take further action on the calls in the appeal. Read more

Momentum grows for No-First-Use policies in the USA and globally

No-First-Use (NFU) legislation is introduced in the US Congress.A number of civil society appeals are launched and events organised to promote NFU policies.  Read more

PNND Gender, Peace and Security Program Launch

PNND Gender, Peace and Security Program Launch:Commemorating International Women’s Day through an Intergenerational Dialogue Between Women Involved in Nuclear Disarmament Read more

PNND Co-President introduces 'Invest in Cures Before Missiles' (ICBM) Act

PNND Co-President Senator Ed Markey and Rep. Khanna introduce the “Investing in Vaccines Before Missiles (ICBM) Act” into the US Congress.The recently released parliamentary handbook on disarmament includes additional initiatives to cut nuclear weapons and other military spending in order to address the COVID-19 pandemic.  Read more

Launch of international parliamentary resource to ‘Assure our Common Future.’

Parliamentary handbook on disarmament for security and sustainable development released today.  The handbook focuses on parliamentary action to implement the disarmament agenda put forward by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in his 2018 report entitled Securing our Common Future: An Agenda for Disarmament. Read more

Senator Ed Markey, PM Jacinda Ardern and other PNND members mark Hiroshima/Nagasaki anniversary

PNND members around the world are commemorating the 75th anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings with statements, events and parliamentary motions. Here are just a few of them. Read more

Remember your humanity: Anniversaries of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, ICJ case and Rainbow Warrior bombing

This week (July 6-10) sees the anniversaries of three significant events in the history of nuclear arms control and disarmament - the release of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in 1955, the state-sponsored bombing of the Rainbow Warrior peace boat and the decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on a case regarding the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons. Read more

Senator Markey and Abolition 2000 tell President Trump not to resume nuclear tests

US Administration officials discuss possibility of resuming nuclear weapons tests. Abolition 2000 circulates a statement in protest. Senator Markey sends letter of condemnation to President Trump and announces anti-testing legislation. Read more

Women's Appeal for Human Security, public health, peace and sustainable development

A women's appeal to commemorate International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament (May 24, 2020) and the 75th anniversary year of the United Nations. Read more
